MHHS De-Mystified: Transforming Energy Settlement and Pricing in the Great British Market
In this broadcast event hosted by Gorilla, a leading energy data platform, you’ll discover how Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) will revolutionise energy data allocation. We’ll explore the critical MHHS timeline as it impacts your move from century-old periodic meter reading processes to granular, real-time consumption tracking.
Learn how advanced platforms like Gorilla are adapting to MHHS, developing flexible frameworks that can handle mixed settlement models, support multiple market rules, and provide sophisticated pricing and forecasting capabilities.

Discover strategic opportunities for enhanced customer understanding and more sophisticated risk management
Understand how to offer innovative tariffs that incentivise flexible energy consumption aligned with renewable energy goals
Learn how to leverage MHHS as a competitive advantage that reflects the complexity of modern energy consumption patterns
Gain insight into the data and technical challenges that lie ahead, including customer classification, prospective customer data sourcing, and managing the transition from non-half-hourly to half-hourly settlement profiles
Identify the hidden benefits of dynamic pricing models for you and your customers
Huw Davies
Energy Expert, Gorilla
Ben Tucker
Energy Market Expert, Gorilla
Why major assumptions in the energy transition process are no longer true
“Gorilla was built for data. That’s our bread and butter. We’ve been handling large amounts of data, even in the UK market for existing non HH meters, we’re creating half-hourly data for those meters so we’re ready for it. We’re learning from our other active markets like Belgium which has already undergone their version of MHHS…”

“Although this change is happening across the industry, so all suppliers will be affected in the same way, not every supplier will want to implement the changes in the same way when it comes to pricing and forecasting. So one of the things we’re ensuring is that via the products and formulas we’ve built, we enable every customer to do the things the way they want to do it…”

Are you ready to unleash the data?
Gorilla provides energy data applications for pricing, forecasting, and portfolio analysis. Thanks to a growing partner network and client base across the globe, Gorilla empowers retailers in the global energy community to reinvent their offerings with data that align financial and net-zero goals