Long Term Forecasting

Accurately re-forecast your portfolio in minutes

Portfolio forecast in minutes

Don’t wait for hours on your bottom-up half-hourly portfolio forecast. With Gorilla, you can run, analyse, and adjust within minutes. Gorilla calculates a 100k meter portfolio forecast for 5 years in minutes.

High accuracy

You should be able to run forecasts with data at its highest granularity. Improve your hedging position by adopting a system that is able to handle all of your data (and more). Measure your accuracy with a solution built for performance.

Plug-in your own data

Why do others define the parameters of your forecasts? Update your forecasts with the latest economical insights without losing speed or scale. Integrate your favourite data sources to get better results.

Integrate your BI tools

Get insights from drilling down on your portfolio forecast per product, basket, group, customer, or meter. Use your existing BI tool of preference, without expensive integration work. Our API is built for data integrations.

100.000 hh meters, 5 years in minutes

A real-time view of the latest state of your entire portfolio

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Lower hedging costs with more accurate long-term forecasts

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Easy-to-integrate with sales tools of your preference

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Don’t just take our word for it

Hear about the impact Gorilla is having from some of our amazing customers.

“We have to stay competitive with new market entrants. That’s why we are currently working differentiating our product portfolio to allow for a range of products with a different risk divide. At the same time, we increase our efficiency by automating part of the currently manual process of getting bespoke quotes out.”

— Ralph Smith

Pricing Manager I&C

“The extremely talented, flexible, and effective team at Gorilla have been key to implement our new P&Q solution. Their product is class-leading and offers great flexibility over any other solution on the market, allowing our business to deliver new offerings to our customers.”

—  Iain O’Neill

Head of Innovation

In an increasingly volatile market, the increased agility and efficiencies Gorilla provides, help ScottishPower to continue leading the way in providing greener energy choices that meet customers’ needs.

— Helen Fairlie

Head of UK Business Planning & Development

Reach out to us

Show me what Gorilla can do for my business

Share a few details about yourself and the topics you want to talk about. We'll link you up with a Gorilla expert.

We will demonstrate how our solutions empower data processing across your business operations and we will address any queries you may have.

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Get in touch

Forecasting consumption is a vital part of your bespoke I&C sales journey. Make sure it is automated, precise, and streamlined to reduce both your costs and risk.